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Luis Enrique CaÑedo Dorantes



•  Durney C. H. & D. A. Christensen. Basic introduction to Bioelectromagnetics . CRC Press, Washington D. C. 2000.

•  J. L. Kirschvink, et al. "Magnetite-Based Magnetoreception." Current Opinion in Neurobiology . 2001; 11 : 462 - 467.

•  Lohmann K. J, & S. Johnsen. "The Neurobiology of Magnetoreception in Vertebrate Animals." Trends Neurosci . 2000; 23 :153 - 159.

•  Galland P. & A. Pazur. "Magnetoreception in plants." J Plant Res . 2005 118:371-389

•  Wiltschko R , Wiltschko W . "Magnetic orientation in animals." Berlin: Springer-Verlag . 1995.

•  Tepper O. M , et al . "Electromagnetic fields increase in vitro and in vivo angiogenesis through endothelial release of FGF- 2" . FASEB J. 2004 Aug;18(11):1231-3.

•  Pilla, A. A. "Mechanisms and Therapeutic applications of Time-varying and static magnetic fields". In: Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields , 3rd Edition. Barnes F, Greenebaum B, eds, CRC Press, 2006, in press.

•  Cañedo L., et al . "Healing of chronic arterial and venous leg ulcers through systemic effects of electromagnetic fields." Archives of Medical Research 2002; 33, 281-289.

•  Ahlbom A., et al . "Review of the Epidemiologic Literature on EMF and Health Environ Health Perspect". 2001; 109: 911-923.


Origen del electromagnetismo
Recepción y orientación espacial
Efectos a escala celular
Aplicaciones clínicas
¿Existen riesgos?



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